Take the Pledge
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I pledge to choose safer healthcare by

Enhancing my knowledge and understanding of precautions to be taken around medicine safety, hospital safety and safety during diagnostics.
designers and
awards for digital
Why should you take the pledge?
As a patient, consumer, or provider, taking the pledge for patient safety is a crucial step toward ensuring the well-being of patients and empowering ourselves with a deeper understanding of what is safe healthcare, how we can choose safer and quality care. The pledge is a reinforcement of your commitment. It allows you to be a part of a community of like-minded individuals who share the same principles and aim to enhance the safety and well-being of patients and consumers. Within the healthcare ecosystem, the pledge is also a call to action to mobilize those who want to create a better world by embracing responsibility and accountability. We must ensure the highest standard of care and thus, put our best efforts into preventing medical errors and reducing health harms. The pledge encourages and motivates you to foster an environment where safety in health is of utmost importance and contributes to a culture of transparency, ensuring the well-being of patients, and implementing impactful changes that develop the healthcare system and make a difference in the lives of patients as well as people.
Objectives of the Campaign
Using year-over-year design approaches and latest techs, we will ensure that your new website will be visible, accessible, and treads lightly.
Our Partners
Cepteur sint occaecat cupidatat proident, taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole.
Clinical Content Committee
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